Event Top Page

Executives in the Lethbridge Twinning Society Executive

Back (L -R) Harold Pereverseff President; Bryan Pereverseff Director of Public Relations; Felix Michna, Director to Timashevsk, Russia; Robert Hironaka, Director to Culver City, California.
Front (L-R) Carol Kensley, Director to Towada City, Japan; Betty Reimer, Director.

This photo cited from the home page by the courtesy of the society

Mrs. Pereverseff, Cheryl

Mrs. Michna

Mr.& Mrs. Nagai


Lethbridge City, Canada Three members visited and traveled to Lethbridge Twinning Society, lethbridge City and in and around Lethbridge from June 28 to July
4, 2001

3人の会員が、6月28日−7月4日の間、Lethbridge Twinning Societyを訪問しました

The visit of Lethbridge Twinning Society in 2001

2001年のLethbridge Twinning Society訪問

Visitors Ms. Naoe Urushidate
Ms. Miyoko Ohe
Ms. Takako Yamada
Mr. Seiichi Kawamura (Taro)

arrived at the Calgary airport

Welcome Party in Henderson Lake Park

Mr. Osamu Ogita

Mr. Bryan Pereverseff